What We Do

We invest in our shopping centres to maximise their potential.

We ensure our shopping centres are as safe, clean, attractive and as enjoyable as possible, while also enhancing our retail customers brand and making life as convenient as possible for our shoppers.

Our experienced teams work with carefully selected partner organisations across the UK to manage and provide services to our retail customers.

We work with both local and national companies to provide cost effective services. We encourage local businesses to tender for service contracts as this can support the local economy and connects retail owners to the local community whilst ensuring the continuity of service provision.

Costa Coffee and Primark in The Mall Blackburn

shoppers with bright bags slim

Our Values

We are committed to being the best UK family owned and operated shopping centre management company.  

To help us achieve our vision we created a set of values that are at the heart of everything we do.

We work hard to earn trust and respect. We are committed to delivery on our promises. 

We are open, straightforward and honest. We do the right thing and take personal responsibility for getting things done. 

We are devoted to ensuring our shopping centres are the best they can be for our communities and our retail customers creating loyalty to our brands.

Our values guide our behaviour with each other, our retail customers, our partners and the communities that we serve. 

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